Advice for Divorcing a Person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder
While the term “narcissist” is often used to reference a person who is very self-absorbed, it may also refer to an actual psychological condition. People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) often believe that they are superior to other people, require constant attention and praise, and engage in manipulative or controlling behavior.
If you are considering divorce and you are married to a narcissist, the road ahead will likely be filled with challenges and frustrations. Fortunately, you do not have to face these challenges alone. An experienced family law attorney can help you end your marriage as quickly and efficiently as possible while ensuring that your rights are fully protected.
Keep Copies of Communication and Financial Documents
Narcissists often lie, so having evidence of the real facts of your case is essential. Your spouse may attempt to hide assets or even purposely waste assets in order to reduce the property your receive in the divorce. Make copies of financial records such as tax returns, bank statements, retirement account statements, and credit card statements. Also, save emails, text messages, and other communications between yourself and your spouse that show his or her true nature. Evidence like this is extremely useful in proving your side of the case during your divorce proceedings.
Resolving Issues Through Mediation May Not Be Possible
Family law mediation may help a divorcing couple reach an agreement about property division, spousal maintenance, child custody, and other divorce issues. However, in order for mediation to be successful, the spouses must be motivated and willing to reach an agreement. Because people with narcissistic personality disorder are often conniving and lack empathy, it is possible that a narcissistic spouse will refuse to cooperate genuinely during mediation. While a narcissist may appear to be cooperative at first glance, he or she may attempt to manipulate you into an unfair divorce settlement or convince you to give up more than you should.
Consider Requesting a Guardian Ad Litem for Child-Related Disputes
If you have children with a narcissistic spouse, it is likely that you have serious concerns about his or her parenting ability. You may believe that it is in your children’s best interest for you to have the majority, if not all, of the parental responsibilities and parenting time. A guardian ad litem is a specially trained lawyer who can be appointed by the court to represent children’s needs and best interests during custody disputes. He or she may evaluate each parent’s living environment, conduct interviews with parents, children, teachers, and other people involved in the children’s life, and analyze health and school records in order to determine what type of custody arrangement would be best for the children. The guardian ad litem then presents this information to the judge and offers a recommendation. A guardian ad litem can be a valuable resource in contentious divorce cases and may help uncover the truth when one spouse is being deceitful or manipulative.
Contact an Arlington Heights Divorce Lawyer
Divorcing a narcissist is almost as difficult as being married to one. If you are ready to take control of your future and move on from a toxic marriage, contact A. Traub & Associates for help. Call our office at 847-749-4182 today and schedule a confidential consultation to discuss your needs with a skilled Illinois family law attorney.