Arlington Heights Guardian Ad Litem Lawyer

Family Law Attorneys Assisting With Contested Child Custody Cases in Northwest Cook County
When parents choose to divorce, or when they are unmarried or separated, disputes over the allocation of parental responsibility and parenting time can become contentious. In some cases, there may be concerns about a parent's domestic violence or substance abuse, or animosity between the parents may cause them to be unable to reach an agreement about how parenting arrangements will be handled following their divorce. If decisions about child custody are left up to a judge, he or she may choose to appoint a guardian ad litem (GAL) to assist in reaching an outcome that will protect the children's best interests.
At A. Traub & Associates, we provide dedicated family law representation, and our attorneys regularly serve as court-appointed guardians ad litem. We can assist in resolving issues related to parenting time and parental responsibility, and we can help you understand your rights and legal options if a GAL has been appointed in your case.
Guardian Ad Litem Investigations
When addressing matters related to children, a judge will want to have all the necessary facts to ensure that he or she will be able to protect the children's best interests. Since the information the judge has about the case is typically limited to what has been presented in court by the parents and their attorneys, the judge may choose to appoint a guardian ad litem to gather information and make recommendations. Either party may also request that a GAL be appointed.
A guardian ad litem is an attorney who serves as a legal representative for the children in a divorce or family law case. He or she will typically investigate the case through a variety of methods, including:
- Speaking with both parents' attorneys to gain a full understanding of the legal issues involved in the case.
- Interviewing both parents, asking about their wishes for how parental responsibility should be handled, their history of performing caretaking activities for their children, and any concerns that have been raised during the case.
- Interviewing the children in a way that is age-appropriate, asking about their relationships with each parent, their wishes regarding where they would like to live and the time they want to spend with each parent, and any concerns or worries they may have.
- Visiting the parents' homes to ensure that they will have space to house the children and meet their needs, while also ensuring that the neighborhoods and surrounding areas are safe.
- Observing the parents during their interactions with the children.
- Contacting other people involved in the children's lives, such as doctors, psychologists, teachers, or extended family members, and reviewing relevant documents, such as report cards or medical records.
The GAL will prepare a written report and submit it in court. This report will include the findings of the investigation and recommendations about how to address parenting time and parental responsibility in a way that will protect children's best interests. Each parent's attorney will be allowed to cross-examine the GAL to ask further questions about the results of the investigation and the reasons behind the recommendations that were made.
Contact a Mount Prospect Divorce Attorney
A judge will typically place a great deal of weight on the opinions and recommendations of a guardian ad litem. Because of this, it is essential to cooperate with a GAL, answering any questions they have and providing them with any information they request. Our attorneys can help you determine the best approach to take when dealing with a guardian ad litem, and we will work to protect your parental rights throughout the course of your case.
To schedule a confidential consultation with a skilled family law attorney, contact us at 847-749-4182. We represent clients in Arlington Heights, Long Grove, Rolling Meadows, Buffalo Grove, Mt. Prospect, Elk Grove Village, Palatine, Des Plaines, Inverness, Hoffman Estates, Schaumburg, Wheeling, and throughout Northwest Cook County.