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How Can My Spouse’s Gambling Addiction Affect My Divorce?

 Posted on April 30, 2024 in Divorce

Arlington Heights, IL divorce lawyerGetting divorced opens up your personal life to legal scrutiny. Behaviors that you may previously have been able to keep under wraps can now have serious legal consequences.

An example of this is gambling. If your spouse has a gambling addiction and it surfaces during the divorce proceedings, it can have a major effect on the outcomes of the divorce. Seek the counsel of an experienced attorney in Illinois if you are getting divorced and think your spouse might have a gambling addiction.

This article will discuss how a gambling addiction can affect a divorce.

Assets Can Be Frozen

You and your spouse are both entitled to what Illinois law calls marital property. This refers to assets that belong to both spouses, usually acquired during the marriage. Using any of these assets for something that is not related to the marriage, or abusing them so that their value goes down, is called dissipation of assets.

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My Child is Going to College. Do I Still Have to Pay Child Support?

 Posted on April 16, 2024 in Divorce

Arlington Heights, IL child support lawyerMaking changes to child support payments, also known as child support modification, is not a simple process. Illinois law generally requires courts to wait two years before modifying a child support order.

But the law also recognizes that circumstances change and sometimes it is necessary to make adjustments. If you need to modify your child support payments, contact a family lawyer in Illinois who can advise you on whether you have good cause.

This article will discuss how courts calculate child support and when you can request to modify child support payments.

How Do Courts Calculate Child Support Payments?

When calculating child support payments, courts want to find out how much a child needs and how much of that the parents can afford. 

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3 Tips for a Successful Divorce Mediation in Illinois

 Posted on April 03, 2024 in Divorce

Arlington Heights, IL divorce mediation lawyerThe quickest way to get divorced in Illinois is through an uncontested divorce, which means that both parties agree on the terms of the divorce agreement. However, couples who cannot agree will file for a contested divorce with the help of a skilled divorce attorney. In this case, the parties will most likely be ordered by a judge to resolve their differences through mediation. 

What is Mediation?

Mediation is a legal process in which a mediator tries to help parties in a dispute come to an agreement without having to go to trial. Mediators are neutral parties appointed by the court to help both sides resolve their issues. Many of them are former judges. 

A typical mediation session lasts approximately three hours. During that time, the mediator will speak to both parties together and to each one separately. The parties usually know by the end of the meeting whether an agreement will be reached. If there is a settlement, it will be submitted to a court to make it legally binding.

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Illinois Collaborative Divorce Explained

 Posted on March 28, 2024 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerLabels can sometimes be useful because they help us understand the world by organizing it into various categories that share common traits. However, most people do not fit perfectly into labels. Things that work for one person might not work for another, and the way one person reacts to something can be completely different from how someone else would react to the same situation.

That is why there are several different ways of ending a marriage. Every couple, including couples who no longer want to be together, has its own unique dynamic and ways of dealing with situations. For some couples, the idea of fighting out their divorce in court simply does not suit them. People who meet the conditions necessary and have the means required to do so might consider trying to end their marriage through what is known as collaborative divorce. This article will explain what that means, and if this seems like it might be a good option for you to consider, speak with an experienced Arlington Heights, IL divorce attorney to find out more.

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How Are Retirement Plans Impacted by Divorce in Illinois?

 Posted on March 14, 2024 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerAnytime a couple goes through a divorce, they need to figure out how exactly they will divide all of their debts and assets. This means they need to consider the bank accounts that they currently use as well as anything they have put away for their retirement. Someone who has been working all their adult life and slowly putting away money to finance their retirement might be concerned that all their hard work was in vain and their spouse is going to take everything. If you are going to get divorced and worried about the fate of your retirement funds, an Arlington Heights, IL divorce attorney can review your specific case and offer insight and guidance for moving forward.

Will My Spouse Get Half of Everything I Have Been Putting Away for My Retirement?

Generally speaking, any assets acquired by either spouse during the marriage will be considered marital assets and will be subject to a division of assets in a divorce settlement. On the other hand, anything acquired before the couple was married will likely be considered nonmarital assets and not need to be divided.

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What Happens to Hidden Bank Accounts in an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on March 04, 2024 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerAnytime a couple gets a divorce, they need to go through something called division of assets. The couple and their legal representatives need to determine what will be considered marital assets, properties, and debts and which are non-marital. In the State of Illinois, anything that is a marital asset or debt needs to be fairly divided by both spouses in divorce. Unfortunately, many people try to take advantage of the system by hiding some of their assets so that they will not be divided. Whether this is done to punish their future ex or just to ensure their own financial gain, a common method used for this illegal practice is to hide marital assets in offshore accounts, which are harder to gain access to. If you suspect that your spouse may try to hide marital assets in offshore accounts, you should consult with a trustworthy Arlington Heights, IL hidden asset attorney to consider how you might want to proceed.

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When Mediation Might Not Be a Good Idea in an Illinois Divorce

 Posted on February 28, 2024 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerThere are several ways people can end their marriage. Some people settle their divorce through litigation, some have an uncontested divorce, and some can work out all the aspects of their divorce settlement through mediation. Mediation often allows for a marriage to be legally ended with less stress and lower costs. However, it is not suitable for all scenarios. If you are wondering whether divorce mediation is the right method for you, speak with a knowledgeable Arlington Heights, IL divorce lawyer to find out more.

When Is Mediation Unsuitable?

When a couple decides to try to settle their divorce through mediation, they need to communicate in a clear and honest way and express what they truly want. The mediator passes questions, information, answers, and any other messages between the two spouses until they ultimately reach a mutually acceptable agreement.  with the media Mediation is not advisable under certain circumstances, including:

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6 Tips for Handling Divorce When You Have Teenagers

 Posted on February 13, 2024 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerWhenever parents get a divorce, it can be a challenging time for children regardless of the circumstances. Often, when thinking about children in divorce, people picture younger children in custody disputes, questions about parenting time, and the logistics involved for parents needing to figure out who will get them to and from their homes, school, playdates, and other after-school activities. However, when the children in a divorce are teenagers, it can be challenging as well. Since adolescence is a formative time in child development, some parents might avoid divorce even if they are in an unhappy marriage, simply to limit the turbulence their children will go through in those years. If you have teenagers and are in an unhappy marriage, a compassionate Arlington Heights, IL divorce lawyer can offer important guidance.

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Can I Appeal for More Parenting Time in Illinois?

 Posted on February 09, 2024 in Child Custody

IL family lawyerDivorce proceedings are a time for spouses to figure out all the ways that their formerly merged lives will now continue apart. For parents, this includes arrangements for how their children will be raised in the future by their unmarried parents. Divorce settlements generally reflect the parents’ circumstances at the time of the divorce, but if those circumstances change, a parent might wish to modify their settlement. For example, if you are in a much better place than you were at the time your divorce was being finalized, a conversation about divorce settlement modification with a knowledgeable Arlington Heights, IL child custody lawyer might be extremely helpful for you.

What Is Parenting Time?

What we commonly refer to as custody or visitation is legally known by the State of Illinois as parenting time. This term describes the time that a child is physically with and under the care of either parent. In most Illinois divorce cases, even if one parent has primary custody, both will be granted some amount of parenting time. The actual decision about who the child is with and when is calculated after considering several factors, including:

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How to Navigate a High Asset Divorce

 Posted on January 31, 2024 in Divorce

Arlington Heights, IL high asset divorce lawyerDivorce can be a complicated process to go through. Two people who at one time thought they would spend the rest of their lives together need to go through the emotional pain of a breakup while also working together to form a divorce settlement. They need to agree on all the ways their formally-merged lives will now be separate. 

When a couple has a high asset divorce, complications increase. Since the amounts being discussed are much larger than average, any division of property or assets makes the stakes feel even higher. If you and your spouse share marital wealth and you are concerned about how you might be left financially after a divorce, a knowledgeable Arlington Heights, IL high asset divorce attorney can answer your questions and advocate passionately for your rights.

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