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Can I Modify My Child Support Order If My Ex Gets a Raise?

 Posted on March 25, 2025 in Family Law

Arlington Heights, IL Family LawyerIf you receive child support and recently learned that your ex got a promotion or substantial raise, you are probably wondering whether this change in income could lead to an increase in the child support payments you receive. In Illinois, child support orders can be modified under certain circumstances, and a significant increase in the paying parent's income may justify such a change. 

However, you cannot simply demand more money because the payments are not automatically changed and there is no guarantee you will be granted a modification. To understand how a job change might impact your family finances, speak with a qualified Illinois family law attorney who can discuss your situation and answer your questions.

Can Child Support Orders be Modified?

Illinois courts follow clear guidelines for modifying child support orders. To request a modification, the parent seeking the change must demonstrate a "substantial change in circumstances." While this can include job loss or changes in the child's needs, it may also apply if the parent paying support experiences a significant increase in income.

If your ex has received a promotion, a raise, or other financial gains, it will only qualify as a substantial change if the increase is significant enough to change their financial situation. Minor raises or bonuses will not likely meet this threshold.

To support your request, you need to prove that a significant change has happened. To do so, you will need to provide evidence, which can include recent pay stubs that show the new income, employment records that confirm a promotion, tax returns reflecting high earnings, or any other relevant documentation.

If your ex is unwilling to provide this information voluntarily, you may need to file a petition with the court. During this process, your attorney can request financial disclosures to confirm your ex's updated income.

How Does the Court Calculate Modified Support?

Illinois uses an "income shares" model to calculate child support. This model considers both parents' incomes and allocates support based on what the child would have received if the parents lived together. If your ex’s increased income significantly raises his or her overall financial contribution, this may result in a higher child support obligation.

However, courts will also consider other factors, including:

  • The financial needs of the child

  • The current parenting time arrangement

  • Whether the paying parent has additional financial responsibilities (e.g., children from another relationship)

Contact an Arlington Heights, IL Child Support Lawyer

Navigating child support modifications can be complex, particularly when you must prove that your ex’s income has increased. An experienced Arlington Heights, IL family law attorney can guide you through the process, gather necessary documentation, and protect your child’s financial well-being. At A. Traub & Associates, we are passionate about helping children and families move past challenges and toward a bright future. Call us at 847-749-4182 to schedule an initial consultation so we can explain in detail how we can advocate for you.

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