Rolling Meadows Child Support Attorney

Lawyers for Child Financial Support in Arlington Heights Divorce Cases
If you are a parent who is planning to get divorced, determining how to handle the legal issues related to your children can seem overwhelming. You will need to address how to divide or share decision-making responsibility for your children, and a parenting time schedule will need to be created to specify when children will be with you or your ex-spouse. In addition to resolving these concerns, the court will want to be sure that your children's ongoing needs will be met.
In a divorce case, both parents will have the obligation to provide financial support for their children. Whether you expect to pay or receive child support, A. Traub & Associates will help you understand your rights, and we will work with you to make sure that all relevant factors are considered when calculating the amount of child support obligations.
Child Support Calculations
In 2017, Illinois shifted to an "income shares" model of calculating child support. Previously, child support was based only on the income earned by the parent who was paying support and the number of children being supported. Under the current laws, both parents' incomes are taken into consideration.
To calculate child support obligations, each parent's net annual income will be used. These amounts will be added together, with the resulting total being used to determine what parents would have spent to provide for their children's needs while they were married. This amount, known as the Basic Support Obligation, is divided between parents based on the percentage that each parent contributes toward the amount of combined income.
Typically, the parent who is considered the non-custodial parent (that is, the parent with the minority of the parenting time) will pay his or her portion of the Basic Support Obligation to the other parent. The custodial parent is presumed to directly spend his or her portion of the Basic Support Obligation to care for the children.
When parents have equal or near-equal amounts of parenting time, additional calculations will be necessary. Rules for Shared Physical Care apply when children will be staying overnight with each parent at least 146 days per year. In these cases, each parent's portion of the Basic Support Obligation will be multiplied by 1.5, and the results for each parent will be multiplied by the other parent's percentage of overnight stays. For the two resulting amounts, the lower amount will be subtracted from the higher amount, and the result will be the amount of child support that one parent will pay to the other.
Parents' child support obligations are intended to meet children's ongoing daily needs, including food, clothing, and housing. In addition to these obligations, parents may need to divide the costs of expenses such as medical costs, childcare expenses, and extracurricular activities. Divorced parents may also be required to contribute to their children's college expenses.
Contact a Rolling Meadows Child Support Lawyer
You will want to make sure that your children will have the financial support they need following your divorce, but you will also want to be sure to protect your own financial resources. At A. Traub & Associates, we can help you make sure all relevant aspects of your finances are considered when determining child support, and we will advocate for your interests throughout the divorce process. With our help, you can be prepared for success as you begin the next stage of your life.
To set up a confidential consultation, contact our office by calling 847-749-4182. We assist with child support cases in Palatine, Rolling Meadows, Mt. Prospect, Arlington Heights, Wheeling, Inverness, Elk Grove Village, Schaumburg, Buffalo Grove, Long Grove, Hoffman Estates, Des Plaines, and throughout Northwest Cook County.