Can Limited Scope Representation Help Me in My Illinois Divorce?
Although some people getting divorced in Illinois want to hire an attorney who will represent them from the moment the divorce begins to the moment the final divorce decree is handed down, this is neither financially nor practically feasible for everyone. If you anticipate a simple divorce, have budgetary restraints, or simply have the desire to handle certain issues yourself, you may have another option: Limited scope representation.
Illinois allows attorneys to limit the scope of their representation to clients if there are reasonable circumstances and the client understands and gives their consent. Attorneys can coach divorcees who wish to represent themselves, prepare evidence, and can even appear in court if necessary - but only if the client seeks that representation as part of their legal services. If you are considering getting divorced in Illinois and doubt that full-scale legal representation is right for you, read on.
Divorce on a Budget
One of the reasons people avoid hiring an attorney during their divorce is because of financial concerns. Hiring an attorney, paying a retainer, and committing to making payments throughout the divorce process may simply be out of the question. Although these concerns are legitimate, it is rarely a good idea for people to pursue divorce without any legal assistance whatsoever. It is easy to overlook pitfalls, make mistakes, or fail to realize that you are getting taken advantage of.
Limited scope representation allows clients on a tight budget to get the legal help they need, greatly expanding the opportunity to get reliable legal advice without jeopardizing their finances. For example, some people anticipate a fairly amicable divorce in which they can negotiate spousal support, asset division, and a parenting agreement with their spouse with few problems. However, drafting documents and appearing before a judge may be highly intimidating. An attorney providing limited scope representation can give advice to our hypothetical couple, help them fill out paperwork, and appear with them in court if necessary.
Get Advice From an Experienced Arlington Heights Divorce Lawyer
At A. Traub & Associates, our priority is ensuring that you get what you need out of your divorce. That is why we offer a relaxed, unpretentious office environment where you can feel comfortable asking questions and getting answers. We take your preferences into account and will work with you to create a strategy that works for you. Contact our offices today to schedule an initial consultation with one of our Arlington Heights, IL divorce attorneys. Call us at 847-749-4182.