Five Things Women Getting Divorced in Illinois Should Know
While divorce is difficult for everyone involved, it often presents a different set of challenges to men and women. Women are more likely to become depressed than men and the divorce process is littered with complications that can rattle the confidence of even the most self-assured woman. Women also tend to earn less than men and are nearly always the primary child caregivers, meaning that their financial, physical, and mental burdens are often increased substantially during divorce. If you are a woman considering divorce in Illinois, here are five things that you should know.
It is Normal to Feel Emotional
Many women resist feeling the full extent of their emotions because they need to think clearly. But emotions are powerful and useful, and they can have a place in making wise decisions. It is perfectly normal to feel angry, hurt, frightened, confused, and even happy during the divorce process. Whether or not you allow these feelings to drive your decision-making process is ultimately up to you, but you should never feel shame for allowing your emotions to run strong during this period of major upheaval.
Seek Social Support
An important part of working through your emotions during divorce is having a great support system. Unfortunately, divorce tends to divide extended families, friend groups, and other social circles. This can make getting social support challenging. Yet good friends often show their colors during our most challenging periods; pay attention to people who remain close to you and leverage the help they offer.
Your Finances May Require Extra Attention
Dividing a family between two homes, paying for legal fees and court costs, and potentially transitioning from a homemaker into a career woman can make your financial situation unpredictable. Now is the time to cut expenditures and budget carefully. Expect the unexpected and try not to let surprise expenses completely derail your morale.
Read As Much As You Can
As cliche as it may sound, knowledge really is power. The more you know about Illinois divorce law, mediation, parenting plan strategies, and potential divorce outcomes, the more prepared you will be for the future. Learn everything you can and ask questions so you can make informed decisions.
Remember This Will Not Last Forever
Your children may be acting out, your bank account balance may be frighteningly low, and you may not remember the last time you washed your hair. Take a deep breath - divorce does not last forever. Many women have divorced their partners and gone on to live happy, successful lives. The way you feel now is not indicative of the way you will always feel. Focus on next steps and, whenever necessary, lean on a great divorce attorney.
Call an Arlington Heights, IL Divorce Lawyer
Getting divorced is not an easy process and for women who are pursuing divorce, the advice and information can be overwhelming. Fortunately, you can cut out the noise and get real assistance from Arlington Heights divorce attorneys at A. Traub & Associates with many years of experience in family law. Our law firm understands the challenges of divorce for women in Illinois and we advocate tirelessly for our clients. Call us today to schedule an initial consultation and start getting the help you need. Contact our offices at 847-749-4182.