How Can I Make Sure My Disabled Child’s Needs Are Addressed in Our Illinois Divorce?
While divorce is rarely an easy or simple experience, for parents of young children who are disabled or have special needs, divorce can be a complex balancing act of competing priorities. Children with disabilities often require significant time and energy to be dedicated to their care and parents need to address certain elements of the divorce, like parenting schedules and child support, specifically according to the disabled child’s needs. If you are a parent of a special needs child, here are some things you may want to keep in mind.
Child Support for Disabled Children Can Be Flexible
Child support is usually determined according to the Income Shares formula, which determines child support payments using both parents’ incomes and the amount of time they spend with each child. But when a child has special educational, developmental, or medical needs, child support can be adjusted to ensure that the financial cost of these needs is fairly divided between the parents.
If a child’s financial needs will require significant deviation from the child support Income Shares formula, parents should be sure to take into account current expenses as well as likely future expenses, and collect evidence (such as medical bills or appointment schedules) that support the request for increased child support.
Parenting Time and Parental Responsibilities
Parents of disabled children have often spent many years working together to give their children the best opportunities possible. This involves making many important decisions and balancing the care of a child with careers and personal schedules. When making a parenting agreement that addresses how these things will be handled after divorce, parents should prioritize the child’s best interests, stability for the child, and practical solutions for the parents.
Depending on how far apart the parents will live and how complimentary their work schedules are, the kind of cooperation a couple had with childcare issues during their marriage may not be possible after a divorce. In contrast, other couples may want to commit specifically to working closely together and living within a certain distance of each other until the child reaches a certain age. The most important thing is to create a sustainable schedule that works for everybody so disruptions to the child and conflict between parents can be minimized in the future.
Meet with an Arlington Heights Child Custody Lawyer
At A. Traub & Associates, our team of skilled and experienced Arlington Heights custody attorneys are committed to working towards a divorce decree that benefits you and your family. If you are getting divorced and have concerns about addressing the needs of your special needs child, call us at 847-749-4182 and schedule a personal consultation today.