Understanding the Reliability of Paternity Testing
While the majority of fathers are more than willing to be loving members of their child’s life, unfortunately, not all fathers feel the same way. Moreover, not everyone alleged to be a father is actually the father. As a result, it is not uncommon for paternity to be an extremely contentious issue, particularly when the alleged parents are not in a relationship with each other. As a result, paternity issues frequently become urgent privacy matters. In addition, both men and women may fear the impact and consequence of having the incorrect man regarded as a child’s father.
Thanks to DNA testing, mistakes are relatively uncommon when establishing paternity. More and more children are receiving the resources and care they need because paternity is much easier to prove now than it was years ago. If you are interested in establishing the paternity of your child or are looking to avoid being incorrectly labeled as the father of a child, contact an experienced lawyer who understands Illinois paternity law and can represent you throughout the process.
DNA Analysis for Paternity
When parents are married or in a consensual relationship, they often will sign a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity immediately after the child is born. Furthermore, a married husband in a heterosexual is automatically assumed to be the newborn baby’s father.
If the child’s father is not known or not present, paternity needs to be recognized another way. For example, if the baby’s mother is aware of one or more men who have a chance at being the child’s father, she may ask a court to order the men to take a DNA test. It is highly inadvisable for men to refuse court-ordered DNA tests as doing so will likely subject them to severe penalties. They may also be named as the child’s father anyway.
DNA tests are highly reliable and non-invasive, usually only requiring a swab of the inside of the cheek. The mother of the child, the alleged father, and the child must submit DNA samples for the test to estimate a child’s parentage to the most accurate extent possible. While DNA tests are often near 100 percent accurate, alleged fathers may request additional testing through means of a private agency.
Contact an Arlington Heights Paternity Lawyer
Regardless of whether you are a mother looking to establish paternity for your baby or are a man who is being held responsible for a baby you believe is not yours, contact the highly skilled Arlington Heights paternity attorneys with A. Traub & Associates. Call 847-749-4182 today.
Source: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs5.asp?ActID=3638&ChapterID=59