What to Know if You Are Heading Towards a High-Conflict Divorce
It is not uncommon for married couples to prolong their marriage simply because they fear going through grueling divorce proceedings. Unfortunately, divorce can be a highly contentious process for so many couples, leaving many reeling from the sheer emotional turmoil. Chances are, if you are in a tumultuous marriage, the possibility of having a smooth divorce is slim. However, hope is not lost.
If you have reason to believe that you and your spouse may be heading for a high-conflict divorce, one of the wisest things you can do is to retain the services of a knowledgeable divorce attorney. Having a skillful attorney on your side can be a lifesaver, especially regarding issues like asset division, spousal maintenance, or figuring out who will get custody of the kids. This blog will provide essential tips to be aware of when preparing for a contentious divorce.
Understand Your Financial Situation
If you have a controlling or manipulative spouse, they may attempt to deceive you regarding finances. They may try to do this by hiding assets from you, lying about their salary, or lying about the worth or even ownership of certain assets. To help protect yourself, try to figure out as much as possible before you begin the divorce process. That way, once the process starts and finances come under examination, you will already have retained a great deal of information regarding the finances in play and will be less likely to be victimized by financial dishonesty.
Build and Utilize a Robust Support System
It is not uncommon for family members and friends to be taken aback by how nasty a divorce can get, especially if they were previously unaware of how unhappy your marriage was. Therefore, it is crucial to surround yourself with trusted friends and family members that you can confide in. Whether this is asking them in advance if you can stay with them if things get ugly at your marital home, whether they are willing to be a babysitter for your children, or even just making sure you have a shoulder to lean on or cry on, it takes more than one person to get through a divorce.
Understand Your Legal Rights
People going through a divorce usually want it to get over as soon as possible. This may mean avoiding conflict and accepting a lousy divorce decree. However, it is essential to know your rights and not sell yourself short. Having a competent divorce attorney to advocate on your behalf is crucial so that you can receive what you may be entitled to, such as spousal support.
Call an Arlington Heights Divorce Lawyer
If you are heading toward a contentious divorce, the exceptional Arlington Heights divorce attorneys with A. Traub & Associates have the experience to provide you with the best representation possible. Call 847-749-4182 today for a comprehensive consultation.