Is an Open Adoption Right for Me and My Family?
Adopting a child can be one of the most rewarding decisions a person ever makes. There are several different avenues for adoption available to Illinois residents. These include private adoptions, adoptions through an adoption agency, foster child adoption, stepparent adoption, international adoption, and more. In some circumstances, the parties involved in an adoption may choose to have an “open adoption.” In an open adoption, the birth parent or parents continue to have contact with the child even after the adoptive parents have become the legal parents of the child.
Benefits and Drawbacks of an Open Adoption
Before recent decades, nearly every child or infant adoption was a closed adoption. Once the adoption was finalized, the birth parents did not have contact with the child or the adoptive parents. Closed adoptions are still common in international adoptions but are increasingly less common with other types of adoption. When an adoptive family decides to have an open adoption, they may be able to develop a positive relationship with the birth parent or birth family. This can be hugely beneficial to the child as well as the adults involved. The child may also enjoy a better sense of identity and understanding of who he or she is than might have been the case in a closed adoption.
However, an open adoption is not right for every family. Maintaining a relationship with the birth mother after the adoption can be an extremely challenging process. You may often feel uncomfortable and unsure of how much information you should share with the birth family. If a biological parent has lost custody of a child due to neglect, abuse, or major substance abuse problems, it may not be wise to have an open adoption. As a general rule, if continued interaction with a birth family is not in the child’s best interests, a closed adoption may be the more appropriate choice.
Legal Concerns Regarding Adoption
Adopting a child is a major undertaking, both emotionally and legally. There are numerous Illinois and federal laws that adoptive families must navigate. Complications often arise during the adoption process that require help from an experienced adoption attorney. Furthermore, adoption scams are sadly common. An adoption lawyer can help you make sure that you are not being taken advantage of and that you take the proper steps to successfully complete the adoption.
Contact a Rolling Meadows Adoption Lawyer
The skilled team at A. Traub & Associates has extensive experience helping adoptive parents bring a new child into their family. We can help you meet the legal obligations required by state and federal law and work to resolve complications that arise throughout the adoption process. To schedule a confidential consultation with an experienced Arlington Heights family law attorney, call us at 847-749-4182.